Friday, November 12, 2010

Follicles, Day 7 of stimulation, and I'm an emotional mess...

This is a picture of an ovary with follicles (basically looks like a choc. chip cookie) the dark spots are the follicles, inside the follicles is where the egg is, you can't see it on the ultrasound.  The bigger the follicle, the more mature the egg, which is what you want to see.  This isn't my ovary, but an example. This ovary has one big mature follicle, one other bigger follicle and 3 other little follicles, for a total of 5 follicles.  With my one little ovary, I have about 5 follicles as well, most of them are pretty good size, on their way to being pretty mature, 5 follicles for one ovary is pretty decent.  They would like to see more and more mature follicles before retrieval.  We'll see what my little ovary can do, I go back in on Monday.  This was today's ultrasound, I'll back up a bit and tell you whats been going on the past two days...

Yesterday I got a phone call from my RE office to let me know my estradiol (which is where they base how well you're stimulation is going-as well as the ultrasounds) level was only at 83.  It needs to be well into the 1,000's at this point.  There was a big concern until my ultrasound today that we might possibly have to cancel my cycle of IVF.  Needless to say, I was quite an emotional mess after hearing that.  I had my appointment this morning and had my ultrasound where we saw those 5 follicles (3 more from what they saw on Wed.)  so that was good!  I am responding to stimulation!  My estradiol is just still so low, so there is still some concern and obviously with one ovary my follicle count is low too, but all in only takes 1 egg to make a baby!  My RE is confident in what he saw from my little ovary and we're still moving forward with the retrieval which will be on either Wed. or Thurs. of next week!  Please keep us in your prayers!  I have no idea what's gonna happen, or if we'll make it to the retrieval at this point.  All I know is God has a plan, He has His hand in this, and it will happen if that's what is meant to be.  I'll keep you updated! 

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